

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Journalling for Success #3 and #4

I had a wonderful day on Saturday at Pickwell Farm teaching a new workshop which was a follow up to one I did earlier in the year. This was the the last in the series exploring texture, colour and  how to meld napkin images seamlessly onto your pages using a mixed media style and also how to use white space to create a more open and less busy page.

These are the pages using napkin images where I tried to recreate the feel of the sea ....

... and here the pages that leave white space as part of the overall design which people said they had the most problem with.

Here are some of the pages created by the fabulous group, sadly I can't find the list I made to tell me which ones belonged to who but in attendance, Becky, Val, Corrine, David, Pam, Di and Helena such a shame that three cancelled at the last minute.

With apologies for the photo quality, they were all taken quickly on the phone and no time to lay them out and line them up nicely but I think you will agree they still did a magnificent job.

Thanks for stopping by. I will be back soon.

hugs Brenda xxx


  1. Oh ... I would love to take this workshop. What a great job everyone did. Sounds like such fun!!! Gorgeous. -- Mary Elizabeth

  2. Looks like another brilliant class Brenda, your samples look wonderful, specially love the white space ones (I could do with a class on that lol). Your student's samples look brilliant too, (always a sign of a great teacher). Oh and I found a great place on ebay where to get napkins if you ever were interested :o) xx

  3. What a brilliant workshop Brenda and your students made such gorgeous are such a talented teacher and bring out the best in everyone. I agree re white space, it's like CAS cards...looks very easy but I think is much more's hard to know when to stop. I thought of you on I made pizza out of Playdoh with Daisy....creativity is everywhere isn't it. Enjoy the rest of the week and your turfs must be greening up nicely. Hugs xx

  4. Fabulous work everybody!!! I especially love the "white space" pages, something I too would struggle with :D XXX

  5. No doubt, it was a fantastic workshop! I love both design, the nautical and the floral too. Both are beautifully composed! And well done everybody, nice works!

  6. Two terrific layouts with such valuable creative lessons Brenda. I bet your students had a ball while they were with you too. The temptation to cover white space is always the hardest to overcome!!! Hats off to all of you on your beautiful creations xx

  7. some great projects x love the white space pages x

  8. Fantastic samples - wish I lived over there so I could take a class from you. Your students did well, which speaks of a great teacher.

  9. I agree with you! Lovely pages from the students and I see they have some issue with the white space, even on cards it is no easy, can't figure out on a AJ page.

  10. Wonderful samples for the class, looks like the girls had great fun recreating them. Wish I lived nearer.
    Avril xx

  11. How very fun and what lovely spreads! I so wish I could join one of your classes!

  12. Brenda, your spreads are fabulous - I love the white space one but the lighthouses have stolen my heart, I do love a seaside theme!! Your students did a wonderful job - what a talented bunch of ladies! Hugs, Anne xx

  13. Oh Brenda! I love your pages and your students work shows just what a fantastic teacher you are! Hugs, Chrisx

  14. Beautiful journal pages Brenda, love those with the white space. It looks like your ladies had a super time at the workshop.
    Yvonne xx

  15. great inspiration Brenda - and fabulous results too - wow - can't wait to do your class at mixology xx

  16. wow gorgeous journal pages, love it!
    Groetjes Karin

  17. Wow, these are just amazing Brenda! I agree with the white space, I have serious problems with that myself! Looks like the class was very successful! hugs :)

  18. Hello Brenda, Just popping in to see if you have heard anything from Miss Terry and her move to Wisconsin? Hugs Vada

  19. Your pages are just wonderful .. and it seems all the students had much fun and enjoyed the workshop !
    Happy weekend Brenda!
    oxo Susi

  20. The layout of the pieces really catches my eye and flows wonderfully! I LOVE the process photos too! Gorgeous scene and pages...I want to go there!

  21. Gorgeous layout Brenda. Bet everyone had a great time. Happy crafting, Angela x

  22. Would love to do a workshop with you Brenda !
    This all looks fabulous !
    Corrie x

  23. Wonderful work by your students Brenda and love your designs. I totally agree with your students that leaving white space is the hardest thing to do, you have used it brilliantly! Deb xo

  24. These are fabulous Brenda, so cheery, and I love your handwriting. Need to practise mine! Xx


In these busy times I know how difficult it is to find the time to visit blogs so I feel very privileged you have stopped by here. I love to read your comments so thank you for leaving one. Hugs Brenda xxx