

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Tuesday Treasures

Tuesday and a Bank Holiday here in the UK which feels like a Sunday  and because of that I almost forgot Tuesday Treasures, but my treasure fits the theme of the weekend with the Diamond Jubilee celebrations at an end now.

These were the celebrations last night at the Diamond Jubilee Concert. The queen obviously enjoyed herself.

We had a small gathering a my neighbour's house on Saturday night and I managed to finish the bunting I was making just in time.

There are 65 finished triangles and they have been sewn back-to-back so 130 of them cut altogether. I wouldn't have got it done without Becca who cut them and started sewing them together last weekend.

Now completed this measures at least 18 metres long and went all round the conservatory and through into the dining room.

The next time it will be used is for our summer Diamond Celebrations garden party in July as Ken and I both celebrate diamond birthdays this year.

I hope you have had a great weekend and enjoyed some sort of celebrations.

If you have a special treasure you would like to share please link it below and I will be over to see you as soon as possible.

I do have to warn you that I have internet problems at the moment. There is a network fault with Virgin and they tell me it could be a whole week before it is resolved. In that time I will only have intermittent service, but I will get over as soon as I can.

Have a great week and see you again soon.

hugs {brenda} xox



  1. Can't believe it! You? A DIAMOND birthday? Surely not! Have a good one, whenever it is.

    Your bunting looks simply fabulous and I hope you all had a great time.

    It DOES feel like Sunday doesn't it? Happy Sunday/Tuesday then!


  2. Your bunting looks fabulous Brenda. xx

  3. Hi Brenda
    your bunting is amazing I love it, and never your Diamond B/day this year you look nowhere near this, I have enjoyed the Queens Jubilee celebrations it has been a wonderful to watch she is an amazing lady for her age...
    sorry it's been a while since I last stopped by...
    Hugs Sarah x

  4. Gorgeous bunting Brenda, hope you had a lovely weekend :D XXX

  5. Loving your brilliant bunting, thank you for sharing Brenda, x

  6. oh wow the bunting looks amazing..
    Lisa x

  7. Magnificant bunting Brenda. hope you have enjoyed all the celebrations ove rthe last few days. I have!
    x catherine

  8. Hope you've had a lovely Jubilee weekend Brenda!
    Hugs, Sam xxx

  9. Your bunting is truly a treasure. We have enjoying bits of the Jubilee here in the states. We'll be watching the recorded concert tonight! Best, Yvonne

  10. wow a very nice bunting!

  11. Wow, your bunting looks fantastic, great that you enjoyed the weekend. I'll keep my fingers crossed, that your internet will work soon again.

  12. Love this Bunting and it looks like you had a great time! Hugs Rebekah xx

  13. Brenda, the bunting is fantastic and I can just imagine how much work went into this! What a lovely way to decorate for such a wonderful celebration! Hope you will take pictures and share with us! Enjoy the rest of your week and hopefully the internet problems will be resolved quickly! Funny how important that is!

  14. Glad you enjoyed the weekend and the gorgeous bunting must have helped. Was going to do your Tuesday challenge, but I am so badly organised...will try next week.

  15. Wonderful bunting, Brenda--it sounds like you all had a lovely time! The dh and I were out of town for a long weekend away, which was wonderful.


  16. you sure its your diamond birthday Hun gosh you look no were near it,sweetie gosh all that bunting is amazing hugs Cherylxxxxxxxx

  17. Brenda this is amazing !!! 18 metres gosh your fingers must be sore from all of that work !! Looks fab though. Diamond birthday dont know how many that is but judging by your photo I would say 35 !! Am I right !


  18. Simply stunning banners my friend. Diamong bday...You dont look a day over 30...Looks like you had a wondrful Jubilee party. It was great watching it here across the pond too.Thanks for stopping by...Take a look tomorrow at my blog to see some exciting news of my dh...take care dear, gerri

  19. Brenda, Your bunting is amazing, so much dedication. The Diamond Jubilee sounds incredible!

    Farm Chicks was fabulous, thanks for entering my giveaway.
    hugs Lynn


In these busy times I know how difficult it is to find the time to visit blogs so I feel very privileged you have stopped by here. I love to read your comments so thank you for leaving one. Hugs Brenda xxx