

Friday, 25 November 2016

Ministry of Mixology round up 1 The projects

Well I promised I would be back with photos and info from the Ministry of Mixology retreat weekend in Coventry.

All I can say is it was a blast, I had the most amazing time amongst 80+ incredible people who were all excited and happy to be there, who were extremely kind, helpful and positive about the projects and experience and we had FUN.

I have quite a few photos so I thought I would share them in batches and today I start with my frame that I called -
Inspire Me Vintage

This is my one

I loved designing the frame and deciding on the techniques and feel so blessed with all the amazing comments I received from the delegates at the retreat.

These are just a few of some of the delegates ones I managed to capture at the end of the Sunday session although there have been quite a few more shared on face Book.

As you can see quite a few people brought photos of their own to use which made their frames so much more personal to themselves.
If you scroll back again and look for the photo of the single male gentleman, does he look familiar???

I had great fun using a new app on my ipad and merging the faces of one of my cabinet cards with the face of a rather well known person at Mixology - yes none other than Andy himself. I gave him this version to keep.

Thanks for stopping by, I will share some more of the fun ones and the media boards made at my Make and Take session soon.

Have a wonderful weekend whatever you have planned.

hugs Brenda xxx