

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Tim Tag for July

I love seahorses and the summer so this tag was a delight to make and I followed Tim’s guidelines almost to a T.
You can find Tim's instructions on his blog with a list of supplies he used and a photo step by step - I am linking this up to his July post.
So we have the beautiful crackled seahorse and the fabulous watery and bubbly background ........
...... the distressed jute ribbon, the spring greenery with a completely new lease of life …….
…. and the textured sand to hold the sand dollar and starfish.
Another of my favourites – well I think they all are actually, not sure how you would choose a bestie, just depends on the moment in time doesn’t it?

It’s going to be a great week this week in the Brown household, Thursday will be the special day, with things happening Friday and Saturday …… ooh tease I know, oh and I’m guesting as well on Thursday at PaperArtsy, so keep an eye out for another post from me then.

In the meantime have a great week yourself and hopefully some creative fun too.

hugs brenda xxxx